2008年1月30日 星期三

推荐书本 - “男人来自火星,女人来自金星”

最近几年时常听到朋友之间有夫妻闹离婚的例子,听了觉得非常可惜。记得在国荣与我将要结婚之前,我们曾经到辅导中心上婚前辅导班,非常棒的课程,辅导老师提醒我们婚姻是要经营一世的,不是理所当然的事,当两个不同的个体结合后,就联名开一个“爱的银行户口”(Love Bank),这个户口只能存款而不能提款。
我们的BWW system推荐的一本书叫“男人来自火星,女人来自金星”(Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus), 作者是John Gary, 这是一本看了都会偷笑的书,因为这本书所讲的情节都是自己每天所接触的,而且是自己 没有发觉的小细节。John Gary 有提到男人有压力时最喜欢“住在洞穴”,等他解决了就自然会从“洞穴”里出来,没事了。而女人刚好相反,女人遇到压力就必须找人倾诉,讲了之后,压力就可疏解了。男人与女人其实就是两个星球的人,假如夫妻俩认真的看待批次的差异,双方面不断的提升,让我们的“爱的银行”存款满满的,两性就会和平相处,“先治其家,后治于天下”,我相信只要把两性的问题搞定, 人生才会活得更精彩。。人生短短几十年,只要用心经营每件事,钻石们的生活才是属于我们的。
在这推荐大家看这本书 – “男人来自火星,女人来自金星”(Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus)。
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (published in May 1992) is a book by John Gray offering many suggestions for improving husband-wife relationships by understanding the communication style and emotional needs of the opposite gender.
The book, as suggested by the title, asserts the notion that men and women are as different as beings from other planets. Gray adopts this metaphor as the central theme of all his books and seminars, likening men and women to the classical Roman god Mars and goddess Venus as ideal types.
In contrast to some psychologists (and feminists) who emphasize similarities between the sexes, Gray writes almost exclusively about differences. Gray says that his "Martians" and "Venusians" are only stereotypes and cannot be applied blindly to individuals.
An example of the theories it offers is that women complain about problems because they want their problems to be acknowledged, while men complain about problems because they are asking for solutions. Other concepts in the book are the difference between women and men's point systems and how they react under stress.
